Cathodic Protection

Cathodic Protection

We Now Offer Cathodic Protection

Triple C Project Services is thrilled to announce the incorporation of a new service to our range of offerings, aimed at aiding in the management of corrosion within pipeline systems.


With more than a decade of expertise in pipeline maintenance, monitoring, and protective services, our Cathodic Protection Services Team is well-equipped to cater to your needs.

Compliance Documentation

We utilize digital data capture methods and deliver comprehensive reports, conducting thorough reviews with personnel to ensure both productivity and compliance. Our services encompass ongoing maintenance, annual compliance surveys, and effective data management solutions.

Services Provided

  • Field Testing
  • Evaluation
  • Materials Procurement
  • Design Drawing Packages
  • Cathodic Protection, Design, Installation, Testing and Maintenance

AC Interference

  • Soil Resistivity Testing
  • Multi-Layer Soil Resistivity Measurements and Computer Modeling
  • Electrical Ground Resistance-to-Earth Measurements
  • Electric Circuit Transmission System Analysis
  • Computer Modeling of Induced AC Interference Effects and Fault Currents
  • AC Interference Mitigation Design
  • Touch and Step Voltages Analysis and Mitigation Design
  • AC Corrosion Mitigation Design

DC Interference

  • Transit System Current Analysis
  • Field Testing for Foreign Pipeline Influence
  • HVDC Analysis
  • Computer Modeling of Stray
  • Current Interference
  • Interference Mitigation Design
  • Telluric Current Analysis and Mitigation System Design

 Field Services

  • Turnkey Installation Services
  • AC Mitigation Systems
  • Cathodic Protection Systems
  • Deepwell C.P. & AC Grounding Systems
  • Electrical Grounding & Lightning Protection Systems
Our Customers


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